Essays & Book Chapters
“Rethinking the Historiography of Coolie Integration in British Caribbean Cities,” MMG Working Paper 19-01, Göttingen, Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, 2019. (online)
“Leaving Nova Scotia: Sierra Leone and Free Black People, 1792–1800” in Karly Kehoe and Michael Vance (eds), Reappraisals of British Colonization in Atlantic Canada(University of Edinburgh Press, 2019), Chapter 4. (pdf)
“The Royalist Maroons of Jamaica in the British Atlantic World, 1740-1800,” in Varia História (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2019).
“Post-War Loyalist Hopes in Nova Scotia: To be Parts and not Dependencies of the Empire,” in R.N. Brannon and J. S. Moore (eds) Loyalty and Revolution: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Calhoun (South Carolina University Press, 2019).
“’Wayward Humors and Perverse Disputings’: Exiled Blacks and the Foundation of Sierra Leone, 1787-1800,” in B. N. Lawrance and N. R. Carpenter (eds) Africans in Exile: Mobility, Law, and Identity (University of Indiana Press, 2018).
“Maroons and Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, 1796-1800” in _Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region_XLVI, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2017): 5-23.
“Loyalist Women during the Revolutionary Era,” in T.A. Foster (ed) Women in Early America (New York University Press, 2015).
“Charles Inglis,” in M.G. Spencer (ed)The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American Enlightenment(Bloomsbury, 2015).
“Religion and the Loyalists,” in D.L. Dreisbach and M.D. Hall (eds) Faith and the Founders of the American Republic(Oxford, 2014). (Co-written with R. M. Calhoun)
“Enduring patterns of Loyalist Study: Definitions and Contours,” History Compass, 11, no. 11 (2013): 983-993.
“Loyalists,” in L. Dumenil (ed) Encyclopedia of American Social History, (Oxford Press, 2013).
“Printer Hugh Gaine Crosses and Re-Crosses the Hudson,” New York History, 90 (Fall, 2009): 271-285.